Williamson-like critique
After reading your post from your Lanny on Learning blog about teaching introverted students, I found it gave additional insight into why the class is structured the way it is. I appreciated reading your post and wish you could have suggested other posts to read throughout the semester in the comments of my posts. I understand that it would take a lot of time and bit of a ridiculous request, but I did enjoy reading that post on the related subject. Attendance was not required for the live class and I found this to be true in most of my other classes after sophomore year. Attendance tends to be optional is higher lever classes and the only class I have mandatory attendance for is my ECON 198 class where attendance makes up most of the points. It is a satisfy/unsatisfied class and focuses on careers in economics, which is not an academic related course. The class surveys that were offered for a bonus of 5 point to students who attended class for most of the semester. Howe...